ORACLE CARDS - How to choose the right deck?

Choosing the right oracle deck is a personal journey, and the best deck for you will resonate with your intuition and intentions.

Here are some tips to help you find the perfect one: 

1. Consider Your Purpose:
Is it for Self-reflection: Look for decks with imagery and themes that encourage introspection.
Are you searching for spiritual guidance: Opt for a deck that aligns with your spiritual beliefs or goals.
Looking for creativity or inspiration: Choose a deck that have vivid, artistic, or unconventional imagery.

2. Explore the Imagery and Artwork
Oracle decks vary widely in their artistic styles. Flip through samples or online images to see if the artwork speaks to you. Its important to always choose a deck that you feel connected to or inspired by.

3. Themes and Messages
Oracle decks can focus on various themes like angels, animals, plants, chakras, ancestors, or mythologies. Pick a theme that resonates with your interests or spiritual path.

4. Check the Card Guidebook
Most decks comes with a guidebook. If you're a beginner, you might want a guidebook that's detailed and easy to understand. If you’re more experienced, a simpler guide might suffice.

5. Read Reviews and Watch Walkthroughs
Look up reviews, unboxings, or walkthroughs on Social Media. This will give you a better sense of the deck's energy, artwork, and card meanings.

6. Go With Your Intuition
Trust your gut feeling. If a deck feels right, it's probably the one for you.

7. Consider the Deck Size and Card Quality
Think about how you'll handle the cards. Some decks are larger or have thicker cardstock, which might be harder to shuffle.

8. Start with One Deck
If you're new to oracle cards, start with just one. As you become more familiar with it, you can branch out and explore others.

Taking your time to explore these aspects will help you find an oracle deck that truly resonates with you and serves your journey well.


Here are 3 examples of the bestselling oracle decks:

ANGEL ANSWERS The Crystal Avenues

The "Angel Answers Oracle Deck" is ideal for those who seek clear, straightforward guidance from their angels, especially when they need answers to specific questions. 

 The deck offers simple, direct answers, making it easy for newcomers to oracle readings. It has clear, concise messages without the need for deep interpretation, which is great for those just starting their spiritual journey.

If you're looking for a "yes," "no," or time-based answer, this deck is perfect, as many cards provide precise responses. 

It is also ideal for those who feel drawn to angelic energy or want to develop a closer relationship with their angels. The deck focuses on delivering messages infused with love, support, and positivity. The angelic messages are encouraging and uplifting, making this deck great for those who need comfort during challenging times. Even if you are an advanced reader, you can benefit from its straightforward nature when they need uncomplicated, quick answers or wish to add angelic insights to their readings.

Overall, the "Angel Answers Oracle Deck" is an excellent choice for anyone who desires gentle, clear, and loving guidance from the angelic realm, whether they are just starting or are already experienced in oracle readings.



Rebecca Campbell's oracle decks, such as "The Starseed Oracle" or "The Rose Oracle," are ideal for individuals who resonate with themes of spirituality, soul connection, and feminine energy. 

Are you on a spiritual journey or do you identify as a lightworker, starseed, or an empath? These decks will resonate with you deeply. They’re designed to help connect with higher consciousness, inner wisdom, and the universe.


Rebecca's decks are rich in imagery and messages that encourage soul-searching, self-reflection, and connecting with one's higher self. They are perfect for those who want to explore their life's purpose, spiritual gifts, or soul's journey. Many of her decks have a gentle, feminine energy and celebrate themes of intuition, divine feminine, and sacred connection. 

The cards feature beautiful, ethereal artwork that appeals to those who appreciate visual inspiration. If you’re an artist, writer, or someone who enjoys intuitive work, these decks can be powerful tools for tapping into your creativity. They are also well-suited for those going through life changes, seeking clarity, or needing guidance during periods of uncertainty. The messages offer supportive, encouraging insights for navigating life's shifts.

While beginners can certainly use these decks, they also offer a rich, multi-layered experience that more advanced readers will appreciate, especially when exploring themes of spiritual growth and personal development. Rebecca Campbell's oracle decks are perfect for those looking for profound, heart-centered guidance, a deeper understanding of their soul’s path, or a stronger connection to their intuition and the spiritual world.



The "Crystal Realms Oracle Deck" is ideal for individuals who feel drawn to the energy and healing properties of crystals and want to incorporate that energy into their spiritual practice. 

If you already work with crystals or are interested in learning about their properties, this deck is a great tool for deepening your connection. It allows you to explore the meanings, energies, and healing benefits of different crystals.

Many crystal decks, including the "Crystal Realms Oracle," often reference chakra alignment and healing. If you're interested in working with your chakras, this deck can guide you toward crystals that support balance and energy flow.

The deck is suitable for those new to crystals, as it provides insights into the meanings and uses of various stones. It’s a fun, interactive way to learn about crystal properties and how they can impact your life.

The artwork in crystal decks is often vibrant and beautiful, making it appealing to those who are inspired by visuals. It’s perfect for creative thinkers who want to blend art with energy work.

If you practice manifestation or setting intentions, this deck can help you choose the right crystals to support your goals. It offers guidance on which crystal energies can amplify your intentions and assist with manifesting your desires.

The "Crystal Realms Oracle Deck" is a wonderful tool for anyone looking to harness the power of crystals, whether for healing, spiritual growth, or simply as a way to enhance their oracle readings with the magic of the mineral kingdom.


I hope you enjoyed this guide! Check out all the available oracle deck by clicking here.
Michelle xx

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