Rutilated Quartz chip bracelet.
Rutilated Quartz crystal gets its golden colored strands from rutile, a mineral made of titanium oxide, also known as “The Hairs of Venus.”
RUTILATED QUARTZ KEYWORDS: Confidence - Wisdom - Protection
Rutilated Quartz is believed to ground light energy into the physical body and activate the higher mind. This crystal carries the universal healing powers of clear quartz, the strengthening power of the rutilation, and the wisdom to overcome duality from Venus. Rutilated Quartz will shine on your soul and direct you down your golden path. It will help you release all that no longer serves you, in order to evolve to a better future.
It cleanses your aura, and chakras while protecting your energies from all that would do you harm. It brings you a sense of confidence that would aid in decision making, overcoming fears, and releasing all anxiety. It is also great at balancing the mind chemistry to make a person think clearly alleviating any depression, or mood swings. A beautiful stone sprinkled with the divine dust of angels.
CLEANSING: Smudging, Sound, Full moon, Selenite
SIZE: Approximately 18 cm.
You will receive 1 bracelet.